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Supplier Diversity

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Auburn University supports opportunities for companies that are owned and operated by minorities, women, veterans, and people with disabilities. These businesses can supply AU with professional services, construction, goods and other services.

In an effort to include the most competitive, innovative, and talented suppliers, the Office of Inclusion and Diversity is working with Procurement and Business Services to promote awareness of the importance of Supplier Diversity. Providing equal opportunity to a diverse pool of suppliers is a positive step in Auburn University’s mission of Outreach. Supplier Diversity exists to serve the unique business needs of small, diverse, and local businesses in the Alabama area. It provides support to these groups by:

  • Creating opportunities for Small Businesses and Business Enterprises that result in meaningful economic impact for Auburn University and the City of Auburn.
  • Developing partnerships between Small Businesses/Business Enterprises and Auburn University departments that result in lasting relationships.
  • Increasing diversification of the University’s procurement supplier base through increased opportunities for Small Businesses and Business Enterprises.

Auburn University is governed by the State of Alabama Competitive Bid Laws and has established institutional policies to ensure compliance with the laws.