Budget & Planning Services
Mission Statement
To support the University’s mission of teaching, research and public service by providing timely, relevant and accurate budget information to the university community in order for them to assess needs, evaluate past performance.
Important Dates
May 31 Freeze Date
Employees must be active on or before May 31st to be considered for permanent salary increases or one-time supplements.
September 30 Fiscal Year Ends
Auburn University’s fiscal year ends on this date.
October 1 New Fiscal Year Begins
Auburn University’s fiscal year begins on this date.
- Anaplan Tips & Tricks
- Anaplan Training Documents
- BOT Budget Presentation
- BOT Guidelines Presentation
- BOT Tuition Presentation (23-24)
- Banner Report Tips
- Budget Advisory Committee
- Budget Analyst Assignments
- Budget Calendar
- Budget Development Checklist
- Budget Development Instructions
- Budget Guidelines
- Budget Transfers
- FY2019 ETF Bill
- FY2020 ETF Bill
- Financial Liaison Listing
- Financial Liaison Role
- Fringe Rate Spreadsheet
- Glossary of Terms
- Merit & Supplement Guidelines
- Position Request Form – Central Units
- State Budget Office
- Tuition/Fee Request Form – NEW
- Tuition/Fee Request Form – REVISIONS
- Tuition/Fee Request Procedures
- Current & Past Annual Budgets
Contact Information
Budget & Planning Services
109 Ingram Hall
Auburn University, AL
334-844-5852 Office
Office hours: M-F
7:45 – 11:45
12:45 – 4:45
NOTE: This is actual salary information. Copies of the original budgets can be found in the Special Collections & Archives Department, located on the ground floor of RBD Library.
A valid AU e-mail address (____@auburn.edu) and password are required for access.