Analytical X-Ray Safety Information for Principal Investigators
Operation of analytical X-Ray equipment must be performed under the supervision of a Principal Investigator (PI) that has been approved by Auburn University Radiation Safety Committee (RSC). The approved individual or PI can be a faculty or staff member who is knowledgeable in the operation of analytical X-Ray equipment. If you intend to use analytical X-Ray equipment in your laboratory, you must first apply to obtain authorization to possess or operate X-Ray equipment. Your application will be reviewed and approved by the Radiation Safety Committee or you may be granted interim approval by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).
X-Ray Authorization Application Forms, Documents & Information:
The Steps to Obtain Authorization to Possess or Operate X-Ray Equipment
Application for Use of Analytical X-Ray Equipment
Principal Investigator’s Statement of Training and Experience
PI Reporting Responsibilities
Regulation Guide
Analytical X-Ray Equipment Acquisition, Registration, and Tracking
Prior to acquiring, purchasing, or moving analytical X-Ray equipment, PI must notify The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) in advance to assess the intended space and to ensure that minimum requirements are met. Analytical X-Ray units are registered with the State by notifying the RSO. The RSO will then arrange to meet with the X-Ray supervisor to obtain the information needed to complete the registration process.
PI must notify the RSO prior to moving, transferring, or disposing of a unit. The RSO will provide further instructions regarding the required forms and procedures to be followed. For disposal or transfer of an analytical X-Ray unit through University Surplus, PI must notify the RSO in advance of the pick-up or transfer and comply with the procedures. Equipment should not be transferred to Surplus until the RSO has been notified and formally released the unit for proper disposal.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Analytical X-Ray Equipment
- Written step-by-step instructions necessary to accomplish the analysis are required for each analytical X-Ray device and must be available to all X-Ray users and students, as applicable.
- These procedures must provide instruction for sample insertion and manipulation, equipment alignment, routine maintenance, and any data recording procedures that are related to radiation safety.
- The PI is expected to ensure no individual operates the analytical X-Ray equipment in any manner other than that prescribed in the normal operating procedures.
- Any procedure, maintenance or alignment that requires access to the primary X-Ray beam with any local component of the system disassembled or removed requires prior approval by the Radiation Safety Office.