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Analytical X-Ray Safety Program


Any analytical X-Ray producing equipment in the possession of Auburn University is subject to registration with the Alabama Department of Public Health. The Auburn University Radiation Safety Office provides services to assist with the safe use and regulatory compliance of X-Ray and other ionizing radiation generating devices. These services include:Analytical X-Ray equipment is used for X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis, or direct x-ray transmission analysis of materials. These analytical X-Ray systems are made up of components that use x-rays to determine elemental composition, or to examine the microstructure of materials. Auburn University Analytical X-Ray Safety Program is established to provide staff, researchers, and visitors with a safety X-Ray use environment and conform to the requirements set forth by all applicable Federal, State, and local rules and regulations.

  • Safety training for all users of X-Ray devices
  • Registration of devices with the Alabama Department of Public Health
  • Survey of X-Ray generating instruments
  • Monitoring services
  • Calibration of radiation detection instruments
  • Providing information about safe radiation use


Radiation Safety requires that you label each area or room containing analytical X-Ray equipment with a sign bearing the radiation symbol and the words “CAUTION – X-RAY EQUIPMENT” and post Emergency Contact Information

Analytical X-Ray Safety Information for Principal Investigators

Operation of analytical X-Ray equipment must be performed under the supervision of a Principal Investigator (PI) that has been approved by Auburn University Radiation Safety Committee (RSC).  The approved individual or PI can be a faculty or staff member who is knowledgeable in the operation of analytical X-Ray equipment. If you intend to use analytical X-Ray equipment in your laboratory, you must first apply to obtain authorization to possess or operate X-Ray equipment. Your application will be reviewed and approved by the Radiation Safety Committee or you may be granted interim approval by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).


X-Ray Authorization Application Forms, Documents & Information:

The Steps to Obtain Authorization to Possess or Operate X-Ray Equipment

Application for Use of Analytical X-Ray Equipment

Principal Investigator’s Statement of Training and Experience

PI Reporting Responsibilities

Regulation Guide


Analytical X-Ray Equipment Acquisition, Registration, and Tracking

Prior to acquiring, purchasing, or moving analytical X-Ray equipment, PI must notify The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) in advance to assess the intended space and to ensure that minimum requirements are met. Analytical X-Ray units are registered with the State by notifying the RSO. The RSO will then arrange to meet with the X-Ray supervisor to obtain the information needed to complete the registration process.

PI must notify the RSO prior to moving, transferring, or disposing of a unit. The RSO will provide further instructions regarding the required forms and procedures to be followed. For disposal or transfer of an analytical X-Ray unit through University Surplus, PI must notify the RSO in advance of the pick-up or transfer and comply with the procedures. Equipment should not be transferred to Surplus until the RSO has been notified and formally released the unit for proper disposal.


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Analytical X-Ray Equipment


  • Written step-by-step instructions necessary to accomplish the analysis are required for each analytical X-Ray device and must be available to all X-Ray users and students, as applicable.
  • These procedures must provide instruction for sample insertion and manipulation, equipment alignment, routine maintenance, and any data recording procedures that are related to radiation safety.
  • The PI is expected to ensure no individual operates the analytical X-Ray equipment in any manner other than that prescribed in the normal operating procedures.
  • Any procedure, maintenance or alignment that requires access to the primary X-Ray beam with any local component of the system disassembled or removed requires prior approval by the Radiation Safety Office.

Emergency Procedures

  • If an individual suspects they have received an X-Ray beam exposure or other non-beam injury, they should first seek immediate medical attention without delay.
  • When possible, close the X-Ray beam shutter and/or turn off the X-Ray system.
  • Notify RSO at the first opportunity. Contact RSO at 334-844-6238
  • If there is a fire, pull the fire alarm, evacuate the building and contact 911.
  • The equipment supervisor of the injured individual(s) should be notified to ensure action is taken to prevent any further injury to other personnel.
  • Do not resume X-Ray unit operations without RSO approval.
  • In addition, the following information must be furnished to the TPA:
    • Copy of employee’s health insurance ID Card.
    • Explanations of Benefits (EOB’s) provided by the insurance company.
    • Receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred such as co-pays, deductibles or over-the counter medication expenses, etc.
    • All correspondence should include – employee’s name, the name of the TPA adjuster and the claim number assigned to the individual claim.

    Employee is encouraged to retain copies of all EOBs, receipts or other expense records sent to the TPA.

Radiation Information

The local components of an analytical X-Ray system must include sufficient shielding or access control such that no radiation levels exist in any area surrounding the local component group which could result in a dose to any individual that may be present therein in excess of the dose limits specified in applicable Auburn University, State, and/or Federal regulations. For systems utilizing X-Ray tubes, these levels shall be met at any specified tube rating.



Radiation Surveys

Upon installation of the equipment, the Radiation Safety staff performs quarterly radiation surveys of all analytical X-Ray systems to demonstrate sufficient compliance. Radiation surveys can be performed as needed basis afterwards following any change in the initial configuration, number, or type of local components in the system, following any maintenance requiring the disassembly or removal of a local component in the system, and any time a visual inspection of the local components in the system reveals an abnormal condition.  RSO may require additional radiation survey whenever an area monitoring shows a significant increase over the previous monitoring period or the readings are approaching the limits specified by state, and federal regulations.

Training and Monitoring

X-Ray safety training is required for all personnel using X-Ray equipment at Auburn University. Training for X-Ray users includes instruction in the basic principles of X-Ray radiation protection and the applicable policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements. Even if you’ve attended X-Ray safety training at other institutions, you’re required to complete specific Auburn University training.

  1. Analytical x-ray safety training is conducted in two parts and must be done consecutively. The initial Analytical X-Ray Safety Training is available on BioRAFT.
  2. Hands-on equipment-specific training provided by PI or x-ray supervisor. This training must emphasize lab-specific protocols and safety, the security of radioactive materials, and lab-specific emergency procedures and document by completing the Certificate of Training for each x-ray user.

All personnel including students using x-ray equipment at the university must complete refresher X-Ray Safety Training in BioRAFT every other year. Annual X-Ray safety training helps the Radiation Safety Office keep track of current and/or active x-ray users. Additional vendor-provided equipment training may be required by the RSO.


Personnel Monitoring


To monitor exposures and to ensure adherence to ALARA practices, area monitors will be provided by the Radiation Safety Office. These area monitors must be posted in close proximity of the X-Ray equipment. The Radiation Safety staff will exchange these dosimetry devices on a semiannual basis. It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure dosimetry is returned to the Radiation Safety Office in a timely manner for processing.