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Strategic Business Operations

Mission Statement

Strategic Business Operations (SBO) is responsible for facilitating external business engagements on behalf of Auburn University. SBO reviews and negotiates contracts to ensure compliance with applicable law and university policy, maintains signature authority for contracts delegated to the office in accordance with Auburn University’s Signature Authority Policy, and assists in the oversight and administration of campus sponsorship and revenue-generating relationships. Additionally, SBO offers internal business operations analysis services to identify opportunities for increased efficiency, cost avoidance, and revenue generation.


Signature Authority Policy

Strategic Business Operations is responsible for negotiating university contracts to ensure compliance with applicable law and policy. Through Auburn University’s Signature Authority Policy, SBO retains authority to execute agreements for the purchase of goods and services (including professional services contracts), real property agreements, lease agreements, license agreements, maintenance agreements, advertising agreements, hotel and venue agreements, financing agreements, revenue generating and sponsorship agreements, and any contracts not otherwise defined within Signature Authority Policy that could impose a financial obligation on the university.

Spending Policy

Strategic Business Operations is responsible for negotiating university contracts to ensure compliance with applicable law and policy. Through Auburn University’s Contracts requiring a purchase requisition under Spending Policy must have a requisition filed within Auburn’s TigerBuy system and include as backup, where appropriate, an Alabama Disclosure Statement and a State Government Contract Addendum before such contracts can be signed.

Hotel and Venue Agreements

Hotel and venue agreements should be emailed to and include as attachments both a signed Hotel & Venue State Government Contract Addendum and, if over $5,000.00, a complete and notarized Alabama Disclosure Statement.

Contact Information

Strategic Business Operations
125 Ingram Hall
Auburn University, AL
334-844-3664 Office
Office hours: M-F
7:45 – 11:45
12:45 – 4:45

JB Neuhoff, J.D.
Contract Officer