This policy, along with the Auburn University Fleet Safety Manual, outlines the qualifications for drivers using University vehicles for official business. It also covers the operation of non-conventional vehicles like golf carts, ATVs, or low-speed vehicles primarily used for passenger transport.
Driving for Auburn University
Frequently asked questions
How do I take the Driver Training?
CR513E Auburn University Driver Training is available on ElevatED, Auburn’s Employee Education Center.
All current Auburn University employees will be auto-enrolled into the course.
All new hires will be assigned the training as part of their on-boarding.
Do all University employees have to take Driver Training?
Yes. All Auburn University employees, at a minimum, must complete CR513E Auburn University Driver Training. Item C in the Driver Qualifications Policy (DQP) states “prior to operating an automobile on University business, all drivers are required to participate in a driver safety training program administered by Risk Management & Safety.”
University business is defined as any activity “performed on behalf of Auburn University and/or within the scope of duties assigned by Auburn University.”
I have already taken driver training? Do I have to re-take it?
Yes. The previous Driver Training was administered by United Educators.
The DQP requires a training program “administered by Risk Management & Safety”.
CR513E Auburn University Driver Training is being administered and has been developed by Risk Management & Safety.
I don't drive a University vehicle. Why do I have to take driver training?
Even if you don’t drive a University vehicle, you may still operate an automobile while performing activities “on behalf of Auburn University and/or within the scope of duties assigned by Auburn University”.
For example, taking your personal vehicle across campus to go from one meeting to another, or taking your personal vehicle to a conference or event.
Due to this possibility and to eliminate any gaps in protection, all Auburn University employees must complete CR513E Auburn University Driver Training.
I only drive a golf cart for work. Do I have to take the driver training?
CR513E Auburn University Driver Training is a prerequisite for the Non-Conventional Vehicle (Golf Cart) Training. You will need to complete CR513E before accessing the NCV Training.
How do I take training for 12-and-15 Passenger Vans?
CR513E Auburn University Driver Training is a prerequisite for the 12-and-15 passenger van training.
Once you have completed CR513E Auburn University Driver Training, you will have the opportunity to complete the 12-and-15 passenger van training.
That training is also available in ElevatED.
I don't have a Banner ID, but I'm being told I need to take training. How do I do that?
If are not an Auburn employee, but need to take Driver, Van, or NCV Training, please e-mail for additional assistance.
I'm having an issue taking a training. What do I do?
Please e-mail for assistance.
How do I get credit for training in BioRAFT?
Risk Management & Safety is in the process of integrating course credit for CR513E Auburn University Driver Training into BioRAFT.
At this time, Please email if you need course completion reflected in BioRAFT.
When do I have to take driver training?
All current Auburn University employees were auto-enrolled into the course when it became live in ElevatED.
Going forward, all new hires will be assigned the training as part of their on-boarding.
If you were auto-enrolled at that time, please complete CR513E Auburn University Driver Training as soon as possible.
Drivers involved in any automobile accident while on University business must repeat the driver training program within 30 days of the accident. All drivers should repeat training every three years.