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Contract Management

Contracting at Auburn University can be confusing. There is a wide variety of contracts with different purposes and multiple university departments & units who manage contracts depending on the type.

To learn about the process of creating and maintaining legally binding contracts and the roles of the various contracting offices on campus, you can now access the Principles of Contracting & Risk Transfer on this webpage.

Once you finish reviewing the guide, please click on the Auburn University Signature Authority to find out which is the most appropriate office to help you with your specific contracting needs.

By following these steps, you will have a better understanding of best practices in contracting and identify which contracting office will help you with your contracting needs. Going through this process will reduce the time needed to meet your unique contracting consulting, drafting, and approval needs.

Training on university contracting is offered through HRD, or can be requested for specific groups by contacting Risk Management & Safety or a University Contracts Officer.