All radioactive waste shall be separated from non-radioactive waste. Under no circumstances is it permissible to dispose of any radioactive material into the non-radioactive trash or into any drains. All radioactive waste is deemed controlled waste and should be placed in the designated containers. Such waste must be completely labeled at all times, from the time it is deposited into a container until final disposal. Records of radioactive waste disposal must be maintained by the university for ADPH review. Radiation Safety supplies the solid and liquid waste containers upon request. Please contact our safety technician for disposal containers. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to supply secondary containers, such as a plastic bus tray, to prevent the waste from leaking or contaminating the surfaces. Laboratories must supply their own shielding for waste that may cause external exposures to workers in the area. Please consult with radiation safety for shielding (if necessary) recommendations.
Waste disposal containers should have a designated location in the laboratory. Lab personnel should avoid moving the waste disposal containers to minimize any possibility of contamination. With respect to broken glass waste, this poses a unique hazard and should only be disposed of in designated broken glass containers. Glassware and sharps that were involved in RAM experiments and require disposal must be placed in a designated container. The container must be sturdy, properly lined and in good condition. At a minimum, the RAM glassware and sharps container should be labeled with the ‘caution – radiation’ sign as well as a ‘caution – waste laboratory glassware’ or ‘caution – waste laboratory sharps’ sign.
To issue a waste pickup you must completely fill out the waste disposal form provided and place a copy on the waste container. An electronic copy should also be submitted to radiation safety to inform us of type of waste, isotope, lab room, and date of pick-up. Please do not overfill the fiberboard drums and do not place regular (non-radioactive) trash in the bins.