Describes the natural classification of revenue and expense. It is a 5 digit code. (In FRS this was the sub code.)
Accounted Budget
Year to date accounted budget.
Adjusted Budget
The end result of the budget process to date – the original budget, plus or minus any adjustments during the fiscal year. In FRS this was your Revised Budget.
Adopted Budget
The original Budget loaded at inception.
Approve Documents
A function that brings up all items waiting for your approval. This very similar to our current web-based budget approval system.
Available Balance
Budget less expenditures less commitments.
Budget Adjustments
Adjustments made to the original budget.
Budget Query
The function that allows you to review budget information and transactions. You may query by fund, grant, organization or account.
Budget Quick Query
To view information by account (FRS Sub code) for the Fiscal Period and Year to Date in Self Service Banner. This is a query limited in detail and is similar to FRS Screen 019.
Budget Status by Account
Banner Self Service Budget Query by an account or FRS sub code.
Budget Status by Organizational Hierarchy
Banner Self Service Budget Query by your Organization or FRS Department Number.
Budget Transfer Form
The form (screen) used to input movement of budget from one Fund/Org to another.
Code Lookup
This function allows you to search data in various fields to find the correct input in Self Service Banner.
Sum Total of encumbrances and reservations.
A collection of tables used to store data.
Drill Down or Drilling Down
The process of clicking on links to access more information.
Budget set aside to cover purchase orders.
Encumbrance Query
To view encumbrance information by account (FRS Sub code) for the Fiscal Period and Year to Date in Self Service Banner.
A data element within a document page.
Fiscal Period
Months within a fiscal year. Ex. October = 01, September = 12 (2 digit number)
Defines the source of funding. In FRS, this was your General Ledger account number (0-xxxxx)
Journal Type AU04
In FRS, this was your transfer and reallocate budget.
Look up Codes
The ability to lookup any of the FOAP components. Codes can be queried by ID as well as Title. The use of wildcards is permitted.
Multiple Line Budget Transfer
The same as the Budget Transfer Form (FRS BCO) except that it allows Budget transfers between up to five FOAPs.
Defines who is responsible for the transaction. In FRS, this was your Department Number.
Personal Queries
Query templates that have been saved and only you can access in Self Service Banner.
Defines the functional classification of the revenue or expenses. In FRS, this was the expense line code (instruction, research, public service, etc.).
A question in Banner that looks at the data in the Banner database for an answer.
Budget set aside for items not encumbered on purchase orders.
Shared Queries
Query templates that have been saved and can be accessed by everyone on Self Serve Banner.
A document that can be saved and recalled later to use.
Temporary Budget
AU will not use.
Vendor Validate
To populate the Vendor data and to verify vendor identification in Self Service Banner.
A character that is substituted for unknown character(s) in a Banner query. A percent sign (%) stands for any number unknown characters; whereas an underscore (_) stands for only one unknown character.
Year to Date
Actual revenues and/or expenses accumulated in the current fiscal year.
Project Year to Date
Actual revenue and/or expenses accumulated for the entire project.