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Student loan programs provide long-term, low interest loans to students demonstrating a need for assistance.

Federal Direct Loan Servicer

Auburn University participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program. The Direct Loan program provides incentives and services that benefit our students and parents. Please refer to the Student Loan FAQ for more information about loan requirements.

Federal Direct Subsidized Loans

Federal Direct Subsidized Loans are only available to students pursuing an Undergraduate degree. Eligibility is based on financial need, as well as annual and aggregate loan limits. Interest on this loan does not accrue during eligible periods of enrollment. Interest accrual will begin when a student graduates or is no longer enrolled at least half time (6 hours). Repayment will begin 6 months after a student graduates or is no longer enrolled at least half time.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans are based on annual and aggregate loan limits and are not need based. This loan is available for students pursuing Undergraduate degrees, as well as students pursuing Graduate/Professional degrees. Interest on this loan begins to accrue at disbursement. Repayment begins six months after graduation or when a student is no longer enrolled at least half time (6 hours for Undergraduates, 5 hours for Graduates).

Entrance Counseling

Students must complete the Entrance Counseling requirement before Direct Loan funds can be disbursed. Please be sure to enter your information completely and accurately, especially your name and ssn. After your data is submitted, Direct Loan Servicer will notify our office electronically within 24-48 hours that you have completed the requirement.

Exit Counseling

If you drop below half time enrollment and during the term that you expect to graduate, you will be asked to complete an Exit Counseling if you have had a Direct or Direct student loan while at AU. When your grace period ends and your loan becomes due, you will be sent a repayment schedule from your Direct Loan Servicer and/or Direct Loan Servicer outlining the monthly principal and interest payments and number of months required to repay your loan balance. It is very important to notify your lender and/or Direct Loan Servicer of address changes so that you will receive your repayment information.

Esign MPN

You will be required to ESign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) prior to disbursement. Students who have previously ESigned with a private lender under the FFELP program will be required to ESign a Direct MPN in order to receive additional funds.

Annual Loan Limits (combined maximum for subsidized and unsubsidized) under the Direct Loan Programs:
  • Dependent Undergraduate students
    • Freshmen – $5500, no more than $3500 Subsidized
    • Sophomores – $6500, no more than $4500 Subsidized
    • Juniors and Seniors – $7500, no more than $5500 Subsidized
  • Independent Undergraduate students
    • Freshmen – $9500, no more than $3500 Subsidized
    • Sophomores – $10,500, no more than $4500 Subsidized
    • Juniors and Seniors – $12,500, no more than $5500 Subsidized
  • Graduate Students – $20,500 Unsubsidized.
  • Veterinary Medicine students: $20,500 Unsubsidized plus the maximum increased Unsubsidized amount of $20,000 for a 9 month academic year or plus $26,667 for a 12 month academic year, limited to cost of attendance.
  • Pharmacy students: $20,500 Unsubsidized plus the maximum increased Unsubsidized amount of $12,500 for a 9 month academic year, or plus $16,667 for a 12 month academic year, limited to cost of attendance.
Aggregate Loan Limits
  • Undergraduate Dependent Students: $31,000 (no more than $23,000 of which can be subsidized)
  • Undergraduate Independent Students: $57,500 (no more than $23,000 of which can be subsidized)
  • Graduate Students: $138,500
  • Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy students: $224,000
Federal Parent Plus Loan

Attention Parents: If you are the parent of a dependent student, you may be eligible to borrow under the Federal PLUS loan program. Before applying for the Federal PLUS loan, please be sure to have a completed FAFSA on file at Auburn University. Your dependent student must also be enrolled at least half time and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress. See our SAP Policy under “Special Information” on this site. In addition, the student must meet all other requirements of Title IV aid, as determined by the Department of Education. The maximum amount that the parent may borrow under the Federal PLUS loan program, is Cost of Attendance minus any other aid (scholarships, grants, loans, waivers, etc) received by the student.

Federal Graduate PLUS Loans

Eligible graduate students are allowed to borrow under the Federal Graduate PLUS program to assist with educational costs. It is advised that you maximize your annual Direct Unsubsidized eligibility before you apply for the Graduate PLUS Loan.

Federal Perkins Loan

As of September 30, 2017, the Federal Perkins Loan program has expired. Unless future Congressional action reinstates the program, there will be no future funds available from this program. Perkins Loans repayment information can be accessed here for students who have borrowed Perkins funds in the past.

Health Professions Student Loan

The Health Professions Student Loan Program is a federally funded loan program available to students in Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine who demonstrate financial need. Repayment and accrual of interest begin 12 months after the student drops below half-time enrollment status. The interest rate is 5% and the repayment period may be extended to a maximum of 10 years.

Parental Financial Data Must Be Provided In All Cases, Even For Independent Students, In Order To Be Considered For This Loan Program.

Non-federal Alternative Loans

The Office of Student Financial Services encourages all students eligible for federal loans to maximize their eligibility before borrowing any alternative loans. However, if you must borrow an alternative loan, we recommend that you review many alternative loan lenders and research their policies and loan terms to decide which lender is best for you. We will process an alternative loan with the lender of your choice. The best way to locate alternative lenders is to do an internet search for “private student loans”. Our office cannot suggest nor recommend an alternative lender.

Preferred Lender List and Preferred Lender Arrangements

Auburn University does not maintain a preferred lender list or have preferred lender arrangements with specific lenders. We will process a private/alternative loan request from the lender of your choice.

Federal Cohort Default Rate

Auburn University Federal Student Loan Cohort Default Rate (CDR)
Fiscal Year 2019 Draft Cohort Default Rate: 0.5%
Percentage of student borrowers 38.4%
Federal Student Loan Cohort Default Rate (CDR) National Average
Fiscal Year 2019 Draft Cohort Default Rate National Average: 2.3%

FSA Student Loan Ombudsman Group

If you have experienced issues with your federal student loan servicer re: repayment or consolidation and you’ve not been able to resolve the issues with your servicer, you may contact the Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group as a last resort. Contact information is listed on their website.

Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreement Provisions for Federal Student Loan Programs

This contains consumer information related to Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreement Provisions for federal student loans.