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Insurance Requirements for General Vendors

Risk Management & Safety recommends vendors doing business with the University, as well as outside organizations and individuals using University facilities, to maintain insurance as necessary to reasonably protect the financial interests of the University. Risk Management & Safety recommends the following minimum insurance requirements be included in any agreement as a contractual obligation which the vendor must be in compliance with before commencing work, providing goods, or using University facilities:


Commercial General Liability “CGL”:

  • $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
  • $2,000,000 Aggregate
  • $2,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate
  • $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury
  • $100,000 Fire Damage (Any One Fire)
  • $5,000 Medical Expense (Any One Person)

Commercial Auto Liability: (*If driving on university-owned property or driving University personnel – may be waived if contract does not involve use of motor vehicle)

  • $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit

Workers’ Compensation:

  • Statutory Limits Plus
    • $1,000,000 Minimum Employers Liability Limits

Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions: (If vendor is providing professional, technical service (medical, engineering, legal, business/marketing consultants, architecture etc.)

  • $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
  • $1,000,000 Aggregate, including proof of coverage for up to three years after completion of the project


Additional Requirements

  1. Higher limits or specific requirements may be recommended depending on the activity. Please consult Risk Management & Safety for recommended limits with regards to high risk activities such as those involving alcohol, or charter services, aircraft, watercraft, minors, health consultants, construction projects, engineering, environmental hazards, or information technology, fireworks/pyrotechnics.
  2. All vendors parties should provide a Certificate of Insurance stating that there is insurance in effect with the minimum limits required by the university. All completed Certificates of Insurance shall be sent to the attention of the Auburn University department negotiating the contract. The Certificate of Insurance should name the following as additional insured on the Commercial General Liability (CGL) Coverage: Auburn University, its Board of Trustees, Trustees individually, Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Agents.
  3. Insurance policies providing general liability coverage must be written on a primary basis as respects any other coverage and/or self-insurance carried by Auburn University. In addition, insurance policies shall provide waivers of subrogation in favor of Auburn University.
  4. Insurance policies must be issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Alabama carrying an A.M. Best’s rating of A- VII or Standards & Poor’s rating of BBB+ or better, and the certificate must be signed by an authorized agent. Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, or canceled, except with 30 days prior written notice to the University, unless cancellation is for non-payment of premium; then ten (10) days prior written notice may be given. For any insurers that refuse to provide the required notice, the vendor or its insurance broker shall agree to notify the University of any cancellation, suspension, or non-renewal within seven (7) days of receipts of insurer’s notification to that effect.
  5. If any subcontractor is used to fulfill this contract, they or the vendor on their behalf, shall carry the same coverages and limits of insurance outlined herein. It shall be the vendor’s responsibility to ensure compliance of this requirement.
  6. All coverage, except for professional liability/errors and omissions insurance, should be written on an occurrence basis.


In certain cases, the general recommendations for certain insurance coverage may be waived or reduced. Examples may include:

  • Vendors with the financial strength to self-insure part or all of insurance requirements outlined above as evidenced in audited financials reflecting a net worth adequate to absorb self-insured losses.
  • A sole proprietor may be allowed a full exemption depending on the activity.
  • If a vendor/contractor elects to participate in a self-insured workers’ compensation program, the A.M. Best’s or Standard & Poor’s rating requirement may be waived as long as self-insured entity or group trust is in good standing with the appropriate governmental agency and holds a current exemption certificate or certificate of authority. If the authorization to self-insure is subject to a specific and/or aggregate limit, the self-insured entity or group shall provide evidence of excess insurance.
  • In situations where goods are purchased and no delivery or notable on-site support is provided, the requirements for automobile liability and workers’ compensation may be waived. Some limited deliveries with private passenger cars and lights trucks may also qualify for this exemption and will be handled on a case by case basis.
  • If the transaction involves the purchase or goods with no service or installation through a sales agent, authorized dealer or manufacturer’s representative, the required product liability coverage may be provided by the manufacturer. The manufacturer must provide a certificate of insurance with language accepting the product liability exposure without any limitations or restrictions as respect to the work or services performed by the dealer, sales agent or manufacturer’s representative.
  • In very limited situations, if a vendor is allowed a workers’ compensation exemption due to the limited number of employees, the coverage requirement may be waived if the type of work is not understood to be hazardous classification. This exception will not be considered on any construction projects. A waiver and/or release of liability may be required if a workers’ compensation exemption is allowed.
  • Any entity or group associated or affiliated with the State of Alabama or United States government are typically exempt from all insurance requirements. This exemption may also be offered to other governmental operations and/or entities subject to review of the specific situation.

Sample Certificate of Insurance and Additional Insured Endorsement