The following seminars and workshops are available at no charge to units and members associated with Auburn University. Some are presented two – three times per year at Auburn University Human Resources. All are available at your department by invitation, or on a one-on-one or small group basis in the Ombuds office.
- Basic Conflict Management Techniques
- Teamwork: Building Results Collaboratively and Amicably
- Understanding Bullying and Mobbing
- Working with High Conflict Persons
- The Art and Productive Capacity of Active Listening
- Identifying Underlying Interests: Tips from Nature, History and the Cinema
- NBZ: The No-Bullying Zone (for summer camp counselors)
- How to Have a Difficult Conversations
- Major Advisor and Advisee Relationships – Navigating Class 5 Rapids
With notice and time for development, the Ombuds is available to present specialized workshops on conflict resolution and human relations topics geared specifically to your unit’s needs.